Reconstruction of Taxilane L4 Singapore Changi Airport
June 2, 2021
Projects in Airports
June 4, 2021
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Development of Changi East To Effect 3 Runway Operations at Singapore Changi Airport – Package Two Guided Boring Including Cable Duct and Manholes along Routing S2

CLIENT: Hock Lian Seng Infrastructure – Sembcorp Design and Construction JV

DESCRIPTION: Precast and cast-in-situ cable duct works with 0pen-Cut method across Live Taxiway including construction of manholes.

CHALLENGE: The work site granted was a live operating taxilane.

There was no closure given at the point of time as it was the only access to Changi Cargo parking apron. In the case of aircraft approaching, our project team has to get prepared for emergency evacuation and site reinstatement within short time frame of 30 minutes to resume airside operation.

Achievement from this project is that the project team set a record for casting 6 meter length of precast cable duct within 6 hours, 1 hour per meter length. The success of this project was attributed to well-planned time allocation for every single steps. For this we would like to thank HLSISDCJV and CAG for trusting our team and rehearsing the process together with us.